Are struggling with your outstanding student loan debts? If you are seeking an opportunity to get your student loans forgiven, we have something to tell you that might be interesting for you. If you have attended Westwood College, you have a great chance to be eligible for a student loan discharge or Westwood College refund. There are several options which you can apply and take the excellent benefit of Westwood College refund or discharge. In this article, we will lead you on how to apply for Westwood College discharge program, and we are going to discuss the eligibility requirements. Besides, in the further steps, we will provide you some tricks to avoid wasting time for tons of research, legal procedures, or documents and paperwork. If you think that you have felt fraudulent marketing experience of Westwood, this will considerably increase your chances to get your application approved.
Westwood college lawsuit
Westwood College is a for-profit organization which provides educational service specialized in higher education degree programs. The school is owned by Alta Colleges Inc. and has 15 campuses in 5 states within the US. Westwood college shut down in 2016.
Thanks to the number of lawsuits against Westwood College, which claim deceptive business practices such as false advertisements, fake reports, etc. The students alleged that the college misled them to enroll classes by false news about their job placement rates, and the average salary of graduates. Dealing with lawsuits and loss in public reputation consequently affected the financial situation of College; as a result, it closed its door in 2016.
Who is eligible for Westwood College refund?
There are two ways to be eligible for refund: the first program is Borrower’s Defense to Repayment and the second one is Closed School Student Loan Discharge. If the borrower were attending to the school before the date it closed, they could be eligible for Closed School Student Loan Discharge Program. By applying Borrower’s Defense to Repayment Program, you can get challenge legal validity of the student loans, if you think you have been defrauded or misled by the school for enrollment. In further steps, we are going to look at each student loan forgiveness program in detail.
Westwood College refund via Borrowers Defense
One of the best ways to get your massive outstanding student debts to wipe out and getting Westwood College refund is applying for Borrower’s Defense to Repayment Program. This program was created in the purpose of assisting people who have been undergone fraudulent experience by the school they attended. Thus, if you think Westwood College defrauds you to enroll their courses, you are most likely eligible for Borrower’s Defense to Repayment Program.
All you are going to do is to prove that the main reason for you choose the school is deceptive commercial activities of Westwood College. From that point of view, you could be considered lucky, because Westwood College is very “popular” for its illegal marketing practices. By because there is a range of lawsuits against Westwood, it is not going to be challenging to get your application approved. All you have to do is to fill out your application form, and we will talk about later. Well-known examples of the main unlawful acts (which former students allege Westwood) are releasing false statements about job replacement rates, and misleading advertisements about their annual income of their graduate students.
Keep in mind that while you are filling out Westwood College Borrower’s Defense application, you have to very obviously show that you have taken student loans for the only reason for attending the degree programs of Westwood College. You have to persuade the worker of the US Department of Education who will assess the BDAR application that you are accusing Westwood because he has done some sorts of illegal activities to attract you and sign up for courses.
It would be an advantage to use inside facts of Westwood College lawsuits, and this could be very useful because Westwood College has already publicly admitted that they have violated Consumer Protection Act according to the settlement with Colorado Attorney General. On the following paragraph, we have listed the unlawful acts and fraudulent activities which Westwood College was alleged. You can find the most convenience practice you have experienced and use it to support your claim on BDAR application.
Fraudulent activities Westwood College has done
There is no need to note that you can not merely state “Westwood has lied to me.” You are going to need to indicate exact points and specific facts to support your claim on BDAR application. Here are some of the illegal activities which Westwood has done according to Colorado Attorney General.
- Releasing misleading reports about the number of students find a job in their field after graduate
- Disclosure of inaccurate information about job titles which graduates students report them after finding a job
- Releasing false information about costs or fees of courses and programs
- Stating exaggerated average income of their graduate students
- Unclear information about the number of credits which is required to earn to be transferred into other schools
- Inaccurately reporting the statistics about the number of graduate students who failed to find an appropriate job in their field
- If you think you have experienced any of these fraudulent activities, then there is no reason to stop you applying for Borrower’s Defense to Repayment Program. If you are able to prove that you have been undergone to such kind of deceptive commercial acts, you will receive refund.
Westwood College refund via Closed School Student Loan Discharge
If you think you are not eligible for Borrower’s Defense to Repayment Program or you do not want to apply it for any reason, then there is one more alternative to get Westwood College refund. Through applying to Closed School Discharge program, you could get rid of your massive amount of student loan debts. Closed School Student Loan Discharge program is created in the purpose of helping the students who were not able to finish their degree programs due to the school shut down. So, if you were attending Westwood till the time it closed. If we consider the the College was closed in 2016, March, if you were enrolled the school not less than three months that date, you are going to qualify for Closed School Student Loan Discharge program.
Before submitting your application for the Closed School Student Loan Discharge program, there are a couple of things you should keep in your mind. First of all, it worth to note that you must not attend another similar college, or you must be a student who has not received any degree certificate till the time college shut down.
Application procedures of the Closed School Student Loan Discharge are very similar to Borrower’s Defense to Repayment program. After making sure about the eligibility requirement, you can find the online application form here.
Finally, even though it may take time to deal with application procedures and get approval, it worth to apply Westwood College Refund to wipe out your student debts. If you need any information about refund or any help with student loan forgiveness, please do not hesitate to call our helpline.
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