There are many students of permanently closed schools with federal student loans who did not get any degree or a diploma. Brown Mackie College is among these colleges. If you were a student at Brown Mackie College, you have the chance to get rid of your student loans. Hopefully, you might as well get a refund for the amount you paid. There are various programs available for closed school victims out there. For former Brown Mackie College students, there are Brown Mackie College loan forgiveness and discharge options to eliminate federal student loans. In our article, we will explain how these programs work. You will get information about eligibility requirements and application process for both programs. Here is your guide to the Brown Mackie College loan forgiveness and discharge program.

Let’s learn more about the opportunities of getting rid of your student loans.


The Brown Mackie College Lawsuit


The lawsuit against The Brown Mackie College was mainly about its parent company EMC. In a nutshell, the company performed different fraudulent actions. The Brown Mackie College was accused of misleading and defrauding the students. After the lawsuit, the Education Management Corporation agreed to forgive 100 dollars million loan debts of students. The U.S Department Education announced 95 million dollars settlement against EMC.


Ways to discharge your Brown Mackie College loans

There are two ways to get Brown Mackie College loan forgiveness or federal loan discharge for former Brown Mackie College students. These are:

  1. Borrowers Defense to Repayment Discharge
  2. Closed School Loan Discharge

These are the most helpful options to get Brown Mackie College loan forgiveness for past Brown Mackie College students. Although you may use the programs at the same time, our recommendation is to obtain full information about each cancellation program, the application process, instructions, and eligibility requirements.

In our article, you will know the difference between these two programs and learn about your eligibility for each.


Discharging your Brown Mackie loans through Borrower Defense Repayment Discharge


Discharging your student loans through Borrower Defense to Repayment Discharge program is all about proving that your college misled or defraud you to get student loans. After the lawsuit against Brown Mackie College, the borrowers can claim student loan forgiveness for their federal loans. The former students of the college now have the opportunity to discharge their student loans.

Go on reading to get help about the application process and documents required for borrower defense to repayment discharge.


To be eligible for a discharge program is mainly about your claim. Correctly fulfilled application form and additional documents to support your claim will help you to get student loan discharge for you Brown Mackie College loans. You need to present evidence for your claim that your school defrauded you. To apply for a discharge program, you need to submit an online application form. You may upload additional materials, such as a transcript of records, promotional papers, documents about your enrollment at college to this application form and sign it. After you submit your application, the Department of Education will review and get in touch with you in case, whether it is about getting acceptance or rejection for your student loans.

Closed School Loan Discharge Program for eliminating your student loans


Apart from Borrower Defense to Repayment Discharge, there is Closed School Loan Discharge program available for the past Brown Mackie College students. You may be eligible for both programs at once as we already mentioned above. The truth is, application process and getting Brown Mackie College loan forgiveness with Closed School Loan discharge program is much more comfortable than the borrower defense program.

To get forgiveness from Closed School Loan Discharge is an excellent option for you to eliminate your student loans and even you can get a refund for the amount you paid.

Being eligible for Closed School Loan Discharge program, your school should be closed while the dates of your enrollment at Brown Mackie College or right after your withdrawal. However, you may not be eligible for loan discharge, if your withdrawal is more than 120 days before the school closed.

There are specific requirements to be qualified closed school student loan discharge. For instance, you didn’t get any chance to complete your studies at Brown Mackie College before its closure, or you have a strong reason for your absence from the school. If you did finish your study program at a different university with a similar academic program or did not get any diploma even though you completed your studies at Brown Mackie College, you may not be eligible for student loan discharge.


How to apply for Closed School Loan Discharge Program


The first step to apply for Closed School Loan Discharge program to get forgiveness over your Brown Mackie College loans is learning your eligibility. After you learn about required qualifications and find out that you are eligible, you may now apply to this discharge program. Download the application form, fulfill it and submit. You can find the loan discharge application form here. Read all the given instructions carefully and fill in the form of application afterward. If you get closed school student loan discharge, your student loans will be forgiven, and you will have the chance to get a refund as well.


Which one is better: Borrower’s Defense or Closed School Loan Discharge Program?

As you may already understand, you are eligible for these two programs at the same time. To identify which student loan program suits you the best is your decision to make. After reading our guide on Brown Mackie College Loan Forgiveness and Discharge Program, you should be able to make this decision by yourself.

Both of these programs are perfect ways available out there, to eliminate your student loans. In our blog post, we described to you how each program works, the eligibility requirements, the cases you are not eligible for student loan discharge and application process for both of these programs.

The similarity in these programs is that you may be eligible to get a refund for your payments if your student loans are accepted for any of these discharge programs.

On the other hand, the point to consider here is that the Borrower Defense for Repayment Discharge program is a long process and requires strong proofs to get Brown Mackie College loan forgiveness. If your application is accepted through this program, there is a possibility to get complete forgiveness for your student loans, as well as partial forgiveness. The difference between complete and partial student loan discharge is within full discharge you are not obliged to pay any amount after getting student loan forgiveness.

With Closed School Loan Discharge program, your chance of getting forgiveness seems much more comfortable. As the program, itself does not require a considerable effort. You may first apply for Closed School Loan Discharge and after Borrower Defense to Repayment Discharge program to get the discharge for your Brown Mackie College student loans.

Hopefully, our article covered all the information you were looking for about Brown Mackie College loan forgiveness. Figure out which program you are eligible, and the chances are higher with to get the forgiveness for your student loan debts. Be among the lucky borrowers of Brown Mackie College victims.